
What it is about &
what we stand for

New challenges
are our passion.

Our team includes architects, HVAC designers, building biologists, geomancers, surveyors, hydrologists, building physicists, structural engineers etc. Together we develop contemporary construction projects. Not the conventional building itself is our vision, rather it is all about the attitude.

Of course we measure all aspects which concern the category „constructing“ as a whole, as well as expert-knowledge, experiences and high quality requirements the same way as our customer’s manifold requirements.

We prioritize overall concepts for public and private spaces

  • Development of real estate projects
    (from detached houses to residential centers)
  • Overall planning
    (design, submission plans and implementation planning)
  • Interior concepts
    (detailed planning, furniture planning, material selection and color consultation)
  • Project management and calculation
  • Tender documents and costing
  • Construction supervision and coordination
  • Furniture trade
    (from kitchen, bathroom, living rooms to wallpapers)
  • Personal “interior coach” including shopping assistance
  • Advisory consulting for builders
    (feasibility studies, recycling concepts, construction law, construction methods, construction materials)

Y. Assl


After graduating at Ortwein School of Art and Design in Graz, Nicole Yvonne Assl started studying art history with the focus on Italian design. After university she was working in several companies as an interior designer where she designed lots of exciting projects. During this time she also got to know her partner Christoph Smode. During this time she also got to know her partner Christoph Smode.
Due to their common passion for design and architecture they are visiting international fairs and foreign countries – always looking for something new within the fields of constructing, architecture and design.
The main part of her work includes room- as well as furniture planning and the creation of overall living concepts, aiming to enable visionary project developments.
With her love for playing with materials and colors and with her openness for new trends she integrates different emotions in her creations to adopt them to her customer’s needs and to design customized living environments.

Her personal (current) favorite: the “Panton chair”, an original from the year 1972 manufactured by Fehlbaum, which she found during an old building’s inspection.

Y. Assl


A. Smode


2001 was the key year for Christoph Alexander Smode: after graduating at Ortwein School of Building Technology in Graz, he started working at Smode, a master builder’s office. The foundation of Smode Bauträger GmbH in 2006 can be seen as the cornerstone for a variety of his own residential projects.
He also graduated at HTWK Leipzig and reached his goal of being a master builder (architect) easily. Because of this comprehensive education his work is very diverse: his fields of activity include tendering procedures, construction supervision, etc.
Most important for him are sustainable construction projects in terms of building cybernetics and geomancy. Further, he sees constructive discussions within his team as the fundamentally element of each and every draft, whereby he interfaces between customers and professionals.

His personal favorite spot: a design-log at the beach of San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua) which he sees as a place of consciousness and inspiration.

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